Saturday, August 22, 2020

Social Science

Sociology THEORY ESSAY Most of the things we think about human? s conduct has come out on account of the distinctive mental hypotheses. We may address why there are such a significant number of various mental points of view, which one is correct and which one isn't right. Most Psychologists these days would state that none of the speculations are right. Notwithstanding, in the good 'ol days, the Psychologists would concur that all the hypotheses were the main really logical one. Brain research is a science committed to the investigation of our psyche and conduct. There are various methods of understanding the human psyche and conduct, those ways are called perspectives.A viewpoint is essentially a perspective or a method of thinking about how as some things are connected together and their significance. Sigmund Freud known as the dad of therapy was a popular physiologist, clinical specialist and a compelling mastermind of the mid twenties. Freud was the person who made another techni que to comprehend the human character. He had one of the most provocative personalities of the only remaining century. Freud was the one that improved the hypothesis of psychodynamic brain research and the celebrated treatment known as psychoanalysis.Freud was one of the most splendid masterminds in the only remaining century, he brought open consideration by his thoughts of we for the most part are not aware of the parts of ourselves. He accepted that what individuals are aware of is represented in our brains, recollections and sentiments. Freud accepted that the things we encountered in the past are a piece of our psyche that he called the oblivious. Nonetheless, we can't get to the substance in our oblivious, they frequently show up in our fantasies. Freud portrayed the oblivious brain has an icy mass where just an extremely little piece of it is open to awareness.The part of the oblivious that he trusted it very well may be gotten to effectively he named the pre-cognizant. The s ignificance of an early encounter is obviously delineated by Freud’s advancement hypothesis of psychosexual turn of events. He depicted that each phase of our life focuses on a piece of the body that is applicable at that stage. On the off chance that the necessities of the individual are accomplished on that stage, the individual in question was all set into the following stage. Nonetheless, in the event that the individual battles to accomplish that stage, at that point the person gets stuck in this stage.Freud accepted that these outcomes are the ones that we help through into the adulthood and it can clarify our practices further down the road. Stretch and Whitehouse (2010) The beginning period of an individual is known as the oral stage. The attention on this stage is on the mouth and exercises like, sucking, licking and gnawing. Freud accepts that there could be two explanations behind obsession. On the off chance that the baby was debilitated two early, It could make t he newborn child feels unsatisfied and the baby could turn into a contrary, mocking person.If, in the other hand, the baby was over-delighted, the baby could build up an artless character, effectively confiding in others and with a propensity of swallow anything. The beginning time keeps going from birth to around year and a half. Stretch and Whitehouse (2010) If the baby overcomes the phase without any issues, the following stage is known as the butt-centric stage, where the newborn child centers around viewpoints to do with potty preparing. On the off chance that there is a battle between the guardians and the youngster during the potty preparing or if the kid doesn't feel good while potty preparing, they may revolt by holding their faeces.This kind of obsession is called anally retentive. The youngster isn't allowed the chance to appreciate potty preparing so the kid can turn into a confused individual. During the ages of four and five, the youngster goes through the phallic stag e. Freud accepted that this stage is related with anxiety and blame emotions about sex and dread of maiming for guys. In the event that this stage isn't passes effectively, this hypothesis recommends that a kid could become gay and a young lady could turn into a lesbian. Freud thought these were anomalous obsessions however these days a great many people would not see them in the manner Freud did.When the youngster arrives at the age of five until the age of seven, the kid gets into the inactivity stage where the person centers around the social condition and the improvement of fellowships. The last psychosexual stage is the genital stage where the pubescence starts. Freud accepted that the less focused the individual has become during the prior stages, the more effectively this stage will be arranged, bringing about the capacity to frame most grounded hetero associations with a capacity to be warm and adoring just as to get love in another, develop fashion.Overall, Psychoanalysis i s generally used to fix discouragement and any sort of psychological instability. Analysts additionally accepted that their treatment would discharge stifled feelings, it would make the oblivious cognizant. Functionalism is known as a sociological perspective that sees the general public working in harmony and amicability with one another, making a gigantic commitment to the smooth running of the general public. The general public cooperates utilizing social strategies to control and manage degenerate individuals from gatherings, to ensure the general public capacities smoothly.Talcott Parsons was an American humanist who helped in the advancement of functionalism and sociological viewpoints. He accepted that society was a framework made of interrelated foundations and consequently, the general public would run smooth. He additionally accepted that the fundamental job of an organization was to mingle people and ensure they had the option to comprehend the estimations of the general public and act in a satisfactory manner. Functionalism says that everything and everybody in the general public fills a need, regardless of how peculiar it might appear. For instance, wrongdoing is seen all around as trouble.Functionalists, anyway says that wrongdoing fills a few needs. They accepted that wrongdoing is required for the work of criminal agents, cops and others related fields to work. On the off chance that at any second wrongdoing vanish from the planet, a large number of occupations related with wrongdoing would never again be essential. Stretch and Whitehouse (2010) Functionalism got some analysis for overlooking the negative angles in occasions, for example, separate. Pundits likewise proclaim that the viewpoint of functionalism legitimizes the sculptures of quo and smugness with respect to society members.Functionalism doesn't convince individuals to attempt to change their social condition, regardless of whether those progressions could profit them. Functionalis m is likewise censured for its absence of testability. Functionalism is portrayed as the most summed up and inefficient of the sociological schools. It isn't legitimately sync with fluctuation among societies and it doesn't clarify the adjustments in the general public. Marxism was first evolved by a German Philosopher called Karl Marx. He thought about that singular conduct was molded by society yet he accepted that the monetary framework characterized society and individuals? place inside it. Marx held the perspectives that the mechanical society of his time there were two social classes: The bourgeoisie or industrialist that were depicted as a little ground-breaking bunch who claimed all the components, workplaces and different work environments and the Proletariat that were an a lot bigger and less fortunate gathering that were utilized by the business people. Stretch and Whitehouse (2010) Marx’s see was that those two social gatherings would consistently get into strife as the industrialists were the ones that possessed the workplaces and they would need higher profits.In the opposite side the representatives, the ones on the low class gathering, would request more significant compensations. That is the explanation that Marxism is typically called the contention model. Marx accepted that those contentions between the business people and the low class could cause an upheaval. Woman's rights is frequently observed for instance of a contention model. Abbot and Claire Wallace (1990) were two ladies who contended about the male control in the general public. They said the general public didn't give enough consideration to the issues of the ladies and their place in the society.There are three unique sorts of woman's rights: Marxism woman's rights, Radical woman's rights and Liberal women's liberation Marxism Feminists consider ladies to be a common laborers. They accepted that ladies meet the social, passionate and physical necessities of their youngste rs and they are prepared to work for their family and kids on what's to come. Ladies realize how to keep up their spouses or accomplices, they are acceptable at preparing dinners and they deal with their kids appropriately without being paid. Stretch and Whitehouse (2010) Radical woman's rights accepts that it isn't the free enterprise or public activity that rules ladies, however men.They state that ladies are housewives and moms. They accept there isn't equity between the genders and ladies are just expected to deal with the kids and accomplish house work Liberal Feminism concur that the progressions happening now and the one that will most likely occur later on, for example, the progressions of mentalities, equivalent compensation and sex segregation brought greater equity between the two genders. Marxism asserts that the medical issues individuals have are firmly identified with the undesirable and upsetting work environments.Marx accepted that medical issues are not the consequ ence of individual shortcoming, however the inconsistent social structure and class hindrances that are duplicated under private enterprise. Marx accepted that the examples of mortality and sickness are most likely identified with occupation, particularly on account of modern regular workers. Marxism contends that medication isn't an autonomous order, however a part of financial creation which react to the political needs of the industrialist framework in general. A few Marxists contend that the NHS benefits the bourgeoisie by guaranteeing that their laborers stay all around ok to work.Most of those laborers comprehended their disparity yet accepted that the framework was reasonable. Marxism talked about that the free wellbeing administration was a triumph for the low class, the common laborers, as the bourgeoisie used to get the best consideration first. Marxism recei

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Beyond The Birds And The Bees 4 Educational Books On Sex

Beyond The Birds And The Bees 4 Educational Books On Sex Sexual education. It seems that no matter how great or thorough the curriculum your eighth grade phys ed/health/science teacher used there’s still something you have questions about. Maybe it’s because your educator focused on cisgender straight folks. Maybe it’s because you overheard someone at brunch mention a body part that you didn’t even know existed. Whatever the reason we’ve all got questions and thankfully there are books to give us some answers. To get you started here are four books about topics that might not have been covered back in eighth grade. Girl Sex 101  (Allison Moon and kd diamond) When Girl Sex 101 came out earlier this year it felt like everyone but my grandmother was talking about it. I finally got a copy last week and now I get what all the hubbub was about. Allison Moon’s anecdotal, warm writing style combined with kd diamond’s bold illustrations come together to create a smart and accessible guide that covers a whole wide range of topics from safer-sex to harnesses to consent. On both personal and professional notes I appreciate Moon’s commitment to including trans women in a book about girl/girl sex. While her effort to be inclusive did at times produce some awkward phrasing this book is miles ahead of most of its competitors; in part because she places cis and trans experiences together instead of putting trans women in one chapter and focusing the rest of the book on cis women. Short essays from other educators and activists (such as Tobi Hill-Meyer, Nina Hartley, and Claudia Astorino) are sprinkled throughout. Fucking Trans Women: A Zine About The Sex Lives Of Trans Women  (Mira Bellweather) I’m going to skip over my whole “READING THIS WAS A WAVE OF WONDERFUL REAFFIRMING EMOTIONS”-spiel and just give you the facts: Originally published as a zine FTW was the first book (or at least the first I can find that gained wide recognition) to address the sex lives of trans women. Part how-to guide, part philosophizing on sex and bodies this book addresses questions that I, an actual transsexual lady, didn’t even know I had. If you enjoy FTW you’ll be happy to hear that there’s a second volume of the zine that’s supposed to be showing up sometime soon. Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life  (Emily Nagoski) This is not the first time Come As You Are has been recommended on Book Riot but I’m just going to bring it back because it has so much great information packed into it. In light, jargon-free language Nagoski tackles cultural assumptions about how women’s brains react to sex and offers up new ways of understanding sex drive, arousal, and more. As you read Come As You Are, Nagoski’s years as an educator really come through as she works to break things down into easy to understand pieces with examples, analogies, and quick worksheets that come together to give us a better understanding of our bodies and our sexual identities. (I am going to add that this book is built on studies and experiments done with cisgender women which may be frustrating for some readers. Nagoski does acknowledge the way in which research has focused on cis women but I’ll allow the trans readers out there to decide for themselves how they feel about her language and framing.) The Seductive Art of Japanese Rope Bondage (Midori and Craig Morey) For many people who are looking to include ropework in their sex lives, the beautiful and intricate suspensions and knots found online can make this art seem like a daunting challenge. Thankfully, Midori is here to breakdown that fear and get us started. When people come into the sensuality shop I work at looking to get started with rope I have no hesitation about putting this book into their hands. Midori is a widely acknowledged expert in her field who has years of experience with safe and gorgeous rope bondage. She starts off the book with a thorough introduction that situates this art in a historical context and makes it clear that with The Seductive Art of Japanese Rope Bondage she’s offering a guide to practical rope bondage that the reader can use at home. While this book won’t make you a master of rope bondage, it will teach you the basics, give you some fun new things to incorporate into your sex life, and help you build a strong foundation to continue upon. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence - 1054 Words

As Artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more and more complex, so do the concerns and stigma surrounding it. AI has been defined by Merriam-Webster (n.d.) as the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior. Between Siri, Spotify auto-play, Amazon suggestions, and spam filters on e-mailing services, AI has already worked itself in our everyday lives. As AI progresses, we can see it used in self-driving vehicles, taking over tedious human jobs, or as a companion in life. The future of AI worries many everyday people and well-educated scientists. Many worry that AI will somehow take over humanity. Often, the medias portrayal of advanced AI only inflames this fear. Many scientists believe that if AI does take over, it†¦show more content†¦Many scientists say that AI will not become malevolent on its own. However, that will not stop someone from programming AI to be evil. Humans item make irrational decisions that can cause harm to others. When humans have acce ss to something as powerful as AI, nothing stand in their way of programming AI to carry out their dirty work (FLT, n.d.). If you do not fear AI suddenly turning evil, worry about your fellow human programming AI to be evil. Having someone program to be malevolent is not the only way that SO could have negative consequences. If AI’s goals are not directly aligned with ours, something could go majorly wrong (Bossmann, 2016). For example, if AI is told to rid the world of cancer, AI could kill the entire human race (Bossmann, 2016). The AI achieved its goal as there would no longer be anyone who has cancer, but that is not what the programmers goal was. AI’s intentions need to be precisely aligned with their programmers, or it could mean a tragedy for humanity. AI could also positively affect society, in fact, it already has. Life assistants such as Siri and Cortana are AI (FLT, n.d.). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Censorship Of The Media - 1665 Words

Privacy in the Media In addition, the media is in an especially complex situation regarding the current concept of privacy regarding the proper use of technology and due to the numerous ethical issues, that arise from sensationalist media practices. First, the invasion of privacy can be justified by uncovering vital information that serves public interest to be considered ethical journalistic practice (Plaisance, 2014, p. 187). However, while there is less ethical merit in providing the public with the information it â€Å"wants† to know, it is justifiable under business matters if it is not malicious or extremely invasive. It is a journalist’s duty to reveal the truth to the public and keep them informed, but many would consider it unethical†¦show more content†¦Sensationalism in the news media is not going to subside any time soon due to the high demand for dramatic stories and the ability of the internet to rapidly spread information around the globe, but jo urnalists need to be held accountable for any unethical breaches of privacy that cause harm to another person. Accordingly, the focus sensationalist news has shifted the focus of news coverage onto the individual people instead of on the issues. The focus on individuals and their dramatic personal stories is a trend that began a few decades ago, and the ratings that such stories receive has only incentivized journalists to delve deeper into the personal lives of many citizens even if the intrusion is unwelcome (Plaisance, 2014, pp. 188-189). The focus on the lives of individuals has become apparent in recent political news coverage and the popularity of celebrity tabloids that focus on the lives of individuals. Unfortunately, this focus on covering the lives of individuals like soap operas has led many major television news networks, the most popular news platform, to air less difficult to cover subjects that rely on factual information and might not get good ratings (Herther, 2011). As a result, any individual that becomes involved in a potentially high rating story could have their privacy invaded by the media circus that tends to chase big headlines and any story that can be infused with aShow MoreRelatedCensorship And The Media Of Censorship1407 Words   |  6 Pagesthe same can be said about censorship. Censorship and privacy do not solely revolve around leaks and personal intrusions from foreign entities. The advent of social media and cell phones have created new avenues for people to communicate and share information; The internet provides people a new and global way to spread information that can be considered worthy of censorship. Many people I know argue that censorship should not be commonplace in the media, in social media, or even in the entire InternetRead MoreMedia Censorship1427 Words   |  6 PagesApril 30, 2011 Media Censorship in the United States Censorship has existed for longer than we could ever imagine. One of the first acts of state sponsored censorship occurred in 399 B.C. when Socrates, was executed for the â€Å"supposed common good of the people† (Guarding Public Morality, 2010, p.1). Socrates was a teacher and a philosopher in ancient Greece. His teaching methods were controversial for the time, and he was charged with corrupting the youth and drawing them away from the GreekRead MoreCensorship in the Media1115 Words   |  5 PagesIs Censorship necessary? â€Å"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. -- Harry S Truman Thesis: Although some people believe that censorship is adequate to select what things does the society will be good and can live around it while others believe that thereRead MoreCensorship of Media1064 Words   |  5 PagesSurprises of Censorship In today’s world of technology and high finance children learn and do different activities. Video games, television shows, and the internet all have effect on our society. These items take away from moral values, and it also undermines the instruction parents give to their children. We need a healthier world with fewer restrictions, and if negative commodities are prohibiting children from recreational play parents should be the regulators in what content their childrenRead MoreThe Censorship Of The Media1542 Words   |  7 PagesBut while the larger media corporations may be hesitant to allow these other conceptions of the human to be represented in the mainstream, there is no such hesitation in fan communities. The fans are not and do not have to be concerned with â€Å"securing the well-being of our present ethnoclass† (Wynter). Rather, they are considered with their own well-being and their own representation and thus they are able to tell the stories that th ey want to be told and there is nothing preventing them from doingRead MoreThe Censorship Of The Media939 Words   |  4 Pagesongoings of the world inform American policy and economics. Yet Americans remain ambivalent because other countries are not debated in the news. The news media implicitly apply filters to their coverage of news stories to inform the public thereby creating a narrative skewed by political or financial gain to influence their viewers. Because the media is privatized, it is difficult to recognize this propaganda system. Careful dissection of the time and space dedicated to each story covered by the anchorsRead MoreCensorship and Indecency in Media928 Words   |  4 PagesCensorship and Indecency in Media Although indecent speech is protected by the First Amendment speech in broadcast media has been restricted because of its accessibility to children. In Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) current policy, indecent speech is defined as the â€Å"language that describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium, sexual or excretory activities and organs, at times of the day when there is a reasonable thatRead MoreCensorship in the Media Essay1084 Words   |  5 Pagesthe term censorship have been changed and manipulated very much over the years. Television and movie ratings have become more lenient against violence and indiscretion because these things are now seen as entertainment. Is this appropriate for our youth? Should children be exposed to these images so early on? How does censorship in the media affect adolescents? Children are the future of our society and need to have some understanding of real w orld occurrences. Ultimately, censorship can onlyRead More Censorship in Media Essay2359 Words   |  10 Pagesviewing audience. Censorship is defined as Policy of restricting the public expression of ideas, opinions, conceptions, and impulses, which are believed to have the capacity to undermine the governing authority or the social and moral order which authority considers itself bound to protect? (Abraham 357). Political, religious, obscenity, and censorship affecting academic freedom are all equal in their destructiveness towards free speech. ?There are two different forms that censorship takes; prior, whichRead MoreCensoring The Censorship Of Media3205 Words   |  13 PagesCesar Ortega Mrs. Martinez English, Period 8th 11/28/2014 Censoring In the 21st century the censoring of media should be scarce but in the contrary it’s being reinforce by countries. For instance, the act of censoring gay media hurts all those individuals who are members of the LGBT community and those who wish to learn more about the LGBT community and its history. It prevents people who wish to find more resources and information that might be able to change their life for the better. Censoring

Overview of Fmcg Sector Free Essays

An Overview of the FMCG Industry in India chillibreeze writer — Shital Vakhariya Looking for more info Read our more comprehensive report of the same at: India-Reports Read more about Discount Retailing   Ã‚  | | | What are Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)? Products which have a quick turnover, and relatively low cost are known as Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). FMCG products are those that get replaced within a year. Examples of FMCG generally include a wide range of frequently purchased consumer products such as toiletries, soap, cosmetics, tooth cleaning products, shaving products and detergents, as well as other non-durables such as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products, and plastic goods. We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of Fmcg Sector or any similar topic only for you Order Now FMCG may also include pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, packaged food products, soft drinks, tissue paper, and chocolate bars. A subset of FMCGs are Fast Moving Consumer Electronics which include innovative electronic products such as mobile phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, GPS Systems and Laptops. These are replaced more frequently than other electronic products. White goods in FMCG refer to household electronic items such as Refrigerators, T. Vs, Music Systems, etc. In 2005, the Rs. 48,000-crore FMCG segment was one of the fast growing industries in India. According to the AC Nielsen India study, the industry grew 5. 3% in value between 2004 and 2005. Indian FMCG Sector | | The Indian FMCG sector is the fourth largest in the economy and has a market size of US$13. 1 billion. Well-established distribution networks, as well as intense competition between the organised and unorganised segments are the characteristics of this sector. FMCG in India has a strong and competitive MNC presence across the entire value chain. It has been predicted that the FMCG market will reach to US$ 33. 4 billion in 2015 from US $ billion 11. 6 in 2003. The middle class and the rural segments of the Indian population are the most promising market for FMCG, and give brand makers the opportunity to convert them to branded products. Most of the product categories like jams, toothpaste, skin care, shampoos, etc, in India, have low per capita consumption as well as low penetration level, but the potential for growth is huge. The Indian Economy is surging ahead by leaps and bounds, keeping pace with rapid urbanization, increased literacy levels, and rising per capita income. The big firms are growing bigger and small-time companies are catching up as well. According to the study conducted by AC Nielsen, 62 of the top 100 brands are owned by MNCs, and the balance by Indian companies. Fifteen companies own these 62 brands, and 27 of these are owned by Hindustan Lever. Pepsi is at number three followed by Thums Up. Britannia takes the fifth place, followed by Colgate (6), Nirma (7), Coca-Cola (8) and Parle (9). These are figures the soft drink and cigarette companies have always shied away from revealing. Personal care, cigarettes, and soft drinks are the three biggest categories in FMCG. Between them, they account for 35 of the top 100 brands. Exhibit I THE TOP 10 COMPANIES IN FMCG SECTOR S. NO. | Companies| 1. | Hindustan Unilever Ltd. | 2. | ITC (Indian Tobacco Company)| 3. | Nestle India| 4. | GCMMF (AMUL)| 5. | Dabur India| 6. | Asian Paints (India)| 7. | Cadbury India| 8. | Britannia Industries| 9. | Procter amp; Gamble Hygiene and Health Care| 10. | Marico Industries| Source: Naukrihub. com The companies mentioned in Exhibit I, are the leaders in their respective sectors. The personal care category has the largest number of brands, i. e. , 21, inclusive of Lux, Lifebuoy, Fair and Lovely, Vicks, and Ponds. There are 11 HLL brands in the 21, aggregating Rs. 3,799 crore or 54% of the personal care category. Cigarettes account for 17% of the top 100 FMCG sales, and just below the personal care category. ITC alone accounts for 60% volume market share and 70% by value of all filter cigarettes in India. The foods category in FMCG is gaining popularity with a swing of launches by HLL, ITC, Godrej, and others. This category has 18 major brands, aggregating Rs. 4,637 crore. Nestle and Amul slug it out in the powders segment. The food category has also seen innovations like softies in ice creams, chapattis by HLL, ready to eat rice by HLL and pizzas by both GCMMF and Godrej Pillsbury. This category seems to have faster development than the stagnating personal care category. Amul, India’s largest foods company, has a good presence in the food category with its ice-creams, curd, milk, butter, cheese, and so on. Britannia also ranks in the top 100 FMCG brands, dominates the biscuits category and has launched a series of products at various prices. In the household care category (like mosquito repellents), Godrej and Reckitt are two players. Goodknight from Godrej, is worth above Rs 217 crore, followed by Reckitt’s Mortein at Rs 149 crore. In the shampoo category, HLL’s Clinic and Sunsilk make it to the top 100, although P;amp;G’s Head and Shoulders and Pantene are also trying hard to be positioned on top. Clinic is nearly double the size of Sunsilk. Dabur is among the top five FMCG companies in India and is a herbal specialist. With a turnover of Rs. 19 billion (approx. US$ 420 million) in 2005-2006, Dabur has brands like Dabur Amla, Dabur Chyawanprash, Vatika, Hajmola and Real. Asian Paints is enjoying a formidable presence in the Indian sub-continent, Southeast Asia, Far East, Middle East, South Pacific, Caribbean, Africa and Europe. Asian Paints is India’s largest paint company, with a turnover of Rs. 22. 6 billion (around USD 513 million). Forbes Global magazine, USA, ranked Asian Paints among the 200 Best Small Companies in the World Cadbury India is the market leader in the chocolate confectionery market with a 70% market share and is ranked number two in the total food drinks market. Its popular brands include Cadbury’s Dairy Milk, 5 Star, Eclairs, and Gems. The Rs. 15. 6 billion (USD 380 Million) Marico is a leading Indian group in consumer products and services in the Global Beauty and Wellness space. Scope Of The Sector| | | The Indian FMCG sector with a market size of US$13. 1 billion is the fourth largest sector in the economy. A well-established distribution network, intense competition between the organized and unorganized segments characterize the sector. FMCG Sector is expected to grow by over 60% by 2010. That will translate into an annual growth of 10% over a 5-year period. It has been estimated that FMCG sector will rise from around Rs 56,500 crores in 2005 to Rs 92,100 crores in 2010. Hair care, household care, male grooming, female hygiene, and the chocolates and confectionery categories are estimated to be the fastest growing segments, says an HSBC report. Though the sector witnessed a slower growth in 2002-2004, it has been able to make a fine recovery since then. | | For example, Hindustan Levers Limited (HLL) has shown a healthy growth in the last quarter. An estimated double-digit growth over the next few years shows that the good times are likely to continue. Growth Prospects With the presence of 12. 2% of the world population in the villages of India, the Indian rural FMCG market is something no one can overlook. Increased focus on farm sector will boost rural incomes, hence providing better growth prospects to the FMCG companies. Better infrastructure facilities will improve their supply chain. FMCG sector is also likely to benefit from growing demand in the market. Because of the low per capita consumption for almost all the products in the country, FMCG companies have immense possibilities for growth. And if the companies are able to change the mindset of the consumers, i. e. if they are able to take the consumers to branded products and offer new generation products, they would be able to generate higher growth in the near future. It is expected that the rural income will rise in 2007, boosting purchasing power in the countryside. However, the demand in urban areas would be the key growth driver over the long term. Also, increase in the urban population, along with increase in income levels and the availability of new categories, would help the urban areas maintain their position in terms of consumption. At present, urban India accounts for 66% of total FMCG consumption, with rural India accounting for the remaining 34%. However, rural India accounts for more than 40% consumption in major FMCG categories such as personal care, fabric care, and hot beverages. In urban areas, home and personal care category, including skin care, household care and feminine hygiene, will keep growing at relatively attractive rates. Within the foods segment, it is estimated that processed foods, bakery, and dairy are long-term growth categories in both rural and urban areas. Indian Competitiveness and Comparison with the World Markets The following factors make India a competitive player in FMCG sector:? Availability of raw materials Because of the diverse agro-climatic conditions in India, there is a large raw material base suitable for food processing industries. India is the largest producer of livestock, milk, sugarcane, coconut, spices and cashew and is the second largest producer of rice, wheat and fruits amp;vegetables. India also produces caustic soda and soda ash, which are required for the production of soaps and detergents. The availability of these raw materials gives India the location advantage. Labor cost comparison Low cost labor gives India a competitive advantage. India’s labor cost is amongst the lowest in the world, after China ;amp; Indonesia. Low labor costs give the advantage of low cost of production. Many MNC’s have established their plants in India to outsource for domestic and export markets. ? Presence across value chain Indian companies have their presence across the valu e chain of FMCG sector, right from the supply of raw materials to packaged goods in the food-processing sector. This brings India a more cost competitive advantage. For example, Amul supplies milk as well as dairy products like cheese, butter, etc. | Strategic Intent We intend to significantly accelerate profitable growth. To do this, we will: * Focus on growing our core brands across categories, reaching out to new geographies, within and outside India, and improve operational efficiencies by leveraging technology * Be the preferred company to meet the health and personal grooming needs of our target consumers with safe, efficacious, natural solutions by synthesizing our deep knowledge of ayurveda and herbs with modern science * Provide our consumers with innovative products ithin easy reach * Build a platform to enable Dabur to become a global ayurvedic leader * Be a professionally managed employer of choice, attracting, developing and retaining quality personnel * Be responsible citizens with a commitment to environmental protection * Provide superior returns, relative to our peer group, to our shareholders * Dabur India Limited | * Dabur Ind ia Limited is India’s leading FMCG company with interests in health care, personal care and foods. Dabur has a history of more than 100 years and the company has carved a niche for it self in the field of Ayurvedic medicines. The products of Dabur are marketed in more than 50 countries worldwide. The company has 2 major strategic business units (SBU) – Consumer Care Division (CCD) ;amp; Consumer Health Division (CHD), and 3 Subsidiary Group companies – Dabur Foods, Dabur Nepal and Dabur International. Dabur International has 3 step down subsidiaries – Asian Consumer Care in Bangladesh, African Consumer Care in Nigeria and Dabur Egypt. The origin of Dabur can be traced back to 1884 when Dr. S. K. Burman started a health care products manufacturing facility in a small Calcutta pharmacy. In 1896, as a result of growing popularity of Dabur products, Dr. Burman set up a manufacturing plant for mass production of formulations. In early 1900s, Dabur entered the specialized area of nature based Ayurvedic medicines. In 1919, Dabur established research laboratories to develop scientific processes and quality checks. In 1936, Dabur became a full-fledged company with the name Dabur India (Dr. S. K. Burman) Pvt Ltd. Dabur shifted its operations to Delhi in 1972. Dabur became a Public Limited Company in 1986 and Dabur India Limited came into existence after reverse merger with Vidogum Limited. In 1992, Dabur entered into a joint venture with Agrolimen of Spain to manufacture and market confectionary items in India. In 1994, Dabur raised its first IPO. In 1998, day to day running of the company was handed over to professionals. In 2000, Dabur achieved a turnover of Rs 1000 crores. In 2005, Dabur acquired Balsara. Dabur crossed $ 2 billion market cap in 2006. Some of the well-known brands of Dabur are: Amla Chyawanprash, Hajmola, Lal Dantmanjan, Nature Care, Pudin Hara, Babool Toothpaste, Hingoli, Dabur Honey, Lemoneez, Meswak, Odonil, Real, RealActiv and Vatika. How to cite Overview of Fmcg Sector, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Simpsons Essays (2280 words) - The Simpsons,

Simpsons I DIDN'T DO IT How The Simpsons Affects Kids The Simpsons is one of Americas most popular television shows. It ranks as the number one television program for viewers under eighteen years of age. However, the ideals that The Simpsons conveys are not always wholesome, sometimes not even in good taste. It is inevitable that The Simpsons is affecting children. Matt Groening took up drawing to escape from his troubles in 1977. At the time, Groening was working for the L.A. Reader, a free weekly newspaper. He began working on Life in Hell, a humorous comic strip consisting of people with rabbit ears. The L.A. Reader picked up a copy of his comic strip and liked what they saw. Life in Hell gradually became a common comic strip in many free weeklies and college newspapers across the country. It even developed a cult status. (Varhola, 1) Life in Hell drew the attention of James L. Brooks, producer of works such as Taxi, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and Terms of Endearment. Brooks originally wanted Groening to make an animated pilot of Life in Hell. Groening chose not to do so in fear of loosing royalties from papers that printed the strip. Groening presented Brooks with an overweight, balding father, a mother with a blue beehive hairdo, and three obnoxious spiky haired children. Groening intended for them to represent the typical American family who love each other and drive each other crazy. Groening named the characters after his own family. His parents were named Homer and Margaret and he had two younger sisters named Lisa and Maggie. Bart was an anagram for brat. Groening chose the last name Simpson to sound like the typical American family name. (Varhola, 2) Brooks decided to put the 30 or 60 second animations on between skits on The Tracy Ullman Show on the unsuccessful Fox network. Cast members Dan Castellaneta and Julie Kavner did the voices of Homer and Marge. Yeardley Smith (later to star in Herman's Head) did the voice of Lisa. Nancy Cartwright did the voice of Bart. Cartwright previously supplied the voices for many cartoons, including Galaxy High, Fantastic Max, Richie Rich, Snorks, Pound Puppies, My Little Pony, and Glo-Friends. Tracy Ullman later added Cartwright to her cast. (Dale and Trich, 11) Brooks, Groening, and Sam Simon, Tracy Ullman's producer, wanted to turn the Simpson family into their own show. The Fox network was looking for material to appeal to younger viewers. The only show they had that drew a young audience was Married With Children. To Fox's pleasure, The Simpsons saved the network from near failure. (Varhola, 3) On December 17, 1989, The Simpsons got their break. The Christmas special, Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire aired. (Dale and Trich, 19) In the episode, Bart got a tattoo, much to Marge's dislike. She quickly spent all of the family's Christmas money to remove Bart's tattoo with a laser. At the same time, Homer, still on his morning coffee break at 4:00 in the afternoon, learns that he will not receive a Christmas bonus. When he learns that Marge is relying on the money for Christmas, he decides that he will do the Christmas shopping for the year. He quickly buys Marge panty hose, Bart paper, Lisa crayons, and Maggie a dog toy. When he realizes that he is not doing very well, he gets a second job as a mall Santa for the extra money. On the way home from work, he steals a Christmas tree. The next day at the mall, Bart sits on his Dad's lap and pulls down his beard. Homer responds by choking Bart and making him help make Christmas better. On Christmas Eve, Homer receives his check, $13.70 for over 40 hours work. Homer takes Bart to the dog track as a final chance for Christmas money. They discovered a gem in the third r ace, Santa's Little Helper. How could this dog loose on Christmas Eve? The odds were 99 to 1, they were going to be rich. Homer put all of his money on Santa's Little Helper, and to his horror, he never even finished. As Homer and Bart were scouring the parking lot for winning tickets into

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Chinese Buddhism essays

Chinese Buddhism essays There is evidence of Buddhists in China as early as the 3rd century, but Buddhism was not popular in China for years. Buddhism was probably introduced after the Han emperor Ming Ti had a dream of a flying golden deity that was interpreted as a vision of the Buddha. After this dream, the emperor sent emissaries to India who returned to China with the Sutra in Forty-two Sections. It is kept in a temple outside the capital of Lo-yang. Buddhism was brought to China from the trade routes of Southeast Asia, and grew slowly. Buddhism first became popular in China during the Han dynasty, and was full of magical practices, like the popular Chinese Taoism. The first Chinese Buddhists taught that the soul was indestructible. Nirvana was the belief of immortality and peace. They also taught karma, which taught the people to be compassionate. There was always a connection between Taoism and Buddhism until the end of the Han dynasty. Everybody believed that Lao-tzu, had been reborn in India as the Buddha. Many Chinese emperors worshiped Lao-tzu and the Buddha on the same alter. The first translations of Buddhist sutras into Chinese used a Taoist vocabulary so the Chinese could understand it better. One of the most important reasons why Buddhism grew in China during this period was because of translation. The most important translator was a very smart monk named Kumarajiva who had studied the Hindu Vedas, the occult sciences, astronomy, and the Hinayana and Mahayana sutras. During the 5th and 6th centuries Buddhist schools were started in China and India. Buddhism was becoming very powerful in China, there had been a large increase in the monk population, and Buddhism was becoming popular with the common people. When the Sui dynasty was started in China, Buddhism became the official religion. The golden age of Buddhism in China occurred during the T'ang dynasty. Even though the T'ang emperors were usually Taoists, they f ...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Use Modal Verbs With Care

Use Modal Verbs With Care Use Modal Verbs With Care Use Modal Verbs With Care By Maeve Maddox English, like other Germanic languages, makes use of a special class of verbs called modals: can, dare, may, must , need, ought, shall, will. Modals serve useful functions in expressing various tenses, moods, and conditions, but they can have an insidious effect on ones writing. The topics I write about mostEnglish usage and educationare modal minefields. Its difficult to express opinions about these topics without falling prey to words like must, should, need, and ought. Ex. Politicians must do this. Teachers ought to do that. Speakers should say this. Modals tend to cut off discussion. They close the subject. They create resentment and hostility. Consciously or unconsciously the reader wonders, Why must I? Why should I? Why ought I? Few people enjoy being told what to do in an imperious manner. Modals leap onto the page when we feel strongly about a subject. The challenge to the writer is to find words that will convey the importance of an idea without hitting the reader over the head with modals. Instead of telling your readers what they ought to do, look for words that lead them to embrace the ideas you are presenting. Conclusion: Writers should avoid modal verbs in their writing. OOPS! Writers achieve greater clarity and offend fewer readers by avoiding modal verbs in their writing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational Writing40 Synonyms for â€Å"Different†Wood vs. Wooden

Friday, February 14, 2020

Ethical and Legal Problems & Employee Benefits Assignment

Ethical and Legal Problems & Employee Benefits - Assignment Example Thus, protocol ethics are closely associated with equity-based recognition. In addition, employees have to make key decisions either as an employee or as a shareholder. Each of these levels requires different reasoning and responsibilities. Ethics related to loyalty towards the company comes into consideration. For instance, an employee may have knowledge of some sensitive information about the company. However, he is not expected to release such information to ordinary shareholders. Equity-based recognition plan also attract a number of legal issues. Worker, who upgrades their status into shareholders of the company, requires a new set of legislation to protect their interests. For instance, legal issues related to bankruptcy of the company are applicable in the recognition plan. Workers need to know their accountability to the company’s liabilities. Leaders should be aware of possible abuse of employee’s that might result from equity-based recognition. In order to prevent any form of abuse, leaders should ensure that company employees understand their responsibilities and rights both as company employees and as a shareholder. In addition, leaders should ensure that legislation and ethics associated with the plan are clearly stipulated in workers contracts. Retirement benefit authority is a scheme managed by the government to provide financial support to the elderly population. Although the government and other social welfare encourage organization to enroll their employees for retirement benefits, most of them do not provide the benefit. Retirement benefit scheme divide industries into two categories. The first category is for industries that provide the service to their employees while the second category consist industries that do not provide the service. There is also a significant inclination of certain

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Apply The Prescribed Ethical Decimation Making Model (P.30 ) Using The Essay - 1

Apply The Prescribed Ethical Decimation Making Model (P.30 ) Using The case the Torture in Iraq - Essay Example However, the issue of torture has in recent times, enthused debate surrounding the interrogation methods used by the United States. In 2003, the entire world was shocked by numerous snapshots of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The photos were taken by U.S. soldiers using cell phones and digital cameras, and showed detainees subjected to harsh and humiliating treatment by the U.S. troops. For instance, one photo portrayed a handcuffed, horrified prisoner accosted by a snarling military dog straining to break loose from its leash. Other photos showed nude prisoners forced to lie on top of each other in a stack or to act out sexual deeds. Numerous pictures displayed nude, hooded inmates manacled in painful conditions to beds and cell bars. In other photos, some inmates had bleeding wounds; others seemed to have wires attached to their bodies However, what was more shocking or disturbing is that, some of the photos displayed soldiers (both males and females) posing next to the maltreated prisoners, smiling, seeming to sadistically enjoy the abuse. In their response to the public outcry generated by the pictures, soldiers clarified that they had been given orders to â€Å"soften up† the detainees for more methodical interrogation there can be little doubt that the prisoner abuses at Abu Ghraib and some of the interrogation techniques used by the United States qualify as torture by the standards of international law. As it has been outlined above, torture is unethical and governments and it personnel refrain from. In order to clearly understand the ethics behind it this paper is going to focus on a case study, The Torture in Iraq, moreover, this paper is going to dwell on the prescribed ethical decimation making model as proposed by terry Cooper in his book, the Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the

Friday, January 24, 2020

Privilege And Justice :: essays research papers

Privilege & Justice Privilege, like a beautiful gift, comes in many shapes and sizes. The value of a privilege is infinite depending on who the recipient is. The privilege of luxury bestowed upon a wealthy person may not be as greatly cherished as the privilege of health insurance given to a person of a lower economic class. In our world today, privilege is dispersed in many forms and among many social classes. However, privilege seems to favor the wealthy as they seem to promote from within their own groups. Social and economical privileges are necessary among the elite to maintain their status among the Jones’; where as a privilege granted to the poor, simply allows a more stable existence. Two examples of privilege that are not material, but are equally as important, are justice and piece of mind. Unfortunately, these two privileges are likely to be less attainable to the lower class. Wealth and privilege seem to go hand in hand in today’s society; great advantages come with being wealthy. For example, material items are abundant for people with money. Wealth allows people to own anything they desire, from finest clothes and furnishings to the automobile of their dream. Those who posses these items are already at an advantage, they have what the latest magazines say you need and what everybody else wants. I find it a bit discerning that these material items dictate the social order, but the fact is, they do. Along with material items, beauty also determines your place in society. Once again, money allows for people to make necessary adjustment to become beautiful if they were not born â€Å"beautiful†. It not only cost money to make physical changes in order to stay beautiful, but it also takes money to keep your wardrobe up to date with the ever changing fashion world. It is my opinion that the greatest advantage of wealth would be the opportunity for educational and technological enrichment. Being blessed with the finest education and most up to date technology only solidifies the foundation for growth and further advancement in life. Nearly everything that exists on the planet can now be researched through a web site; that literally puts the world at your fingertips if you are lucky enough to have a computer. In addition, high school and college students are being prepared for professional career situations where it is likely they will be tested on their computer knowledge. Privilege And Justice :: essays research papers Privilege & Justice Privilege, like a beautiful gift, comes in many shapes and sizes. The value of a privilege is infinite depending on who the recipient is. The privilege of luxury bestowed upon a wealthy person may not be as greatly cherished as the privilege of health insurance given to a person of a lower economic class. In our world today, privilege is dispersed in many forms and among many social classes. However, privilege seems to favor the wealthy as they seem to promote from within their own groups. Social and economical privileges are necessary among the elite to maintain their status among the Jones’; where as a privilege granted to the poor, simply allows a more stable existence. Two examples of privilege that are not material, but are equally as important, are justice and piece of mind. Unfortunately, these two privileges are likely to be less attainable to the lower class. Wealth and privilege seem to go hand in hand in today’s society; great advantages come with being wealthy. For example, material items are abundant for people with money. Wealth allows people to own anything they desire, from finest clothes and furnishings to the automobile of their dream. Those who posses these items are already at an advantage, they have what the latest magazines say you need and what everybody else wants. I find it a bit discerning that these material items dictate the social order, but the fact is, they do. Along with material items, beauty also determines your place in society. Once again, money allows for people to make necessary adjustment to become beautiful if they were not born â€Å"beautiful†. It not only cost money to make physical changes in order to stay beautiful, but it also takes money to keep your wardrobe up to date with the ever changing fashion world. It is my opinion that the greatest advantage of wealth would be the opportunity for educational and technological enrichment. Being blessed with the finest education and most up to date technology only solidifies the foundation for growth and further advancement in life. Nearly everything that exists on the planet can now be researched through a web site; that literally puts the world at your fingertips if you are lucky enough to have a computer. In addition, high school and college students are being prepared for professional career situations where it is likely they will be tested on their computer knowledge.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Marijuana Subculture

Subculture: Marijuana in the United States Fatima Alikhan ENG 122 Professor Kenneth Newton Monday May 23, 2010 The United States has an approved list of drugs that are considered legal and illegal that create adverse side effects and hold diverse political views. Marijuana is a substance that popular media holds in a negative undertone while other drugs such as valium and alcohol are supported, if not glorified. Popular media is a powerful tool that gathers a mass of people and provides all types of information.Some types of information are historical facts, statistics, entertainment, opinions, and biases which alter the state and views of those who access it. Marijuana has had an extremely controversial political view throughout history and is considered a â€Å"gateway drug,† enabling users to pursue stronger and dangerous substances. Although marijuana includes negative side effects, statistics prove it may be far less dangerous to people and those around them compared to l egalized substances with higher danger percentages.The comparison and political attitudes of marijuana throughout history of the United States is what is examined in this paper to draw awareness to readers on the bias of intolerance towards marijuana. I plan on limiting my topic selection by choosing a limit of 3 substances to compare the statistics against and only recording major milestones that changed the way people viewed marijuana throughout American history. The underlying argument in this paper would be in the form of an ultimatum: legalize marijuana or criminalize alcohol and prescription pain medicine.The American people may not know why exactly marijuana is considered illegal when neither side effects or symptoms cause fatalities or crime when contrasted against prescription pain pills that target teenagers to adults. Alcohol related accidents are also significantly higher than marijuana related stresses however it has been considered wrong, immoral, and illegal for close to a century in United States history. The media’s portrayal of marijuana in movies and television shows has always been a carefree and adventurous approach.Movies such as Half Baked, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, and Pineapple Express depict the substance as a recreational tool that can enhance the quality of life and entertainment. Television shows such as That 70’s Show demonstrate an accurate depiction of marijuana use in the 1970’s which show a group of teenagers sitting around a circle smoking marijuana, giggling, and eating. Although the 1970’s was known for heavy drug use such as cocaine, LSD, and heroin, and the government’s epic battle on the war on drugs, marijuana was considered to be a gateway drug which led to endless possibilites and dangers.Throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, marijuana was portrayed in negative connotations after President Nixon had declared a war on all drugs which was intended for the crack and heroin epidemic however extended itself onto marijuana as well. After the new century, the media began anti-marijuana campaign commercials that would be targeted directly towards teenagers. â€Å"Tests of sensation seeking targeting evaluated the effectiveness of targeted televised public service announcement campaigns in reducing marijuana use among high sensation-seeking adolescents,† (Palmgreen, Donohew, Lorch, Hoyle, Stephenson, 2001).This study used a controlled interrupted time-series design method to match 2 communities where one county and campaign was compared to another county and campaign. Personal interviews were conducted with 100 teenagers in a period of 32 months. The result proved the effectiveness of media towards adolescents. All 3 campaigns had reversed the trend of marijuana use. Televised campaigns that target a large group of people have an effective strategy in conveying a direct message and achieving its purpose.The message that is being portrayed how ever is based off of false assumptions and lack of scientific data. It is simply opinion however the message and the powerful tool of the media conveys a strong image to impose a crime on the substance. The portrayal of other legal drugs in the media such as alcohol and prescription pills is far more appealing to the human eye than marijuana. Alcohol is branded with trademarks and celebrity endorsements that promote an urban lifestyle.It conveys the message that it is chic and savvy to drink or that it can bring excitement to a social setting. Celebrities, fancy cars, sports athletes, musicians, and scantily clad women submit a message through media that drinking â€Å"their† alcohol will allow a person’s environment or self-image to be enhanced. Prescription pills on the other hand are not mentioned much in the media at all. The amount of danger and the percentage of addiction is at such a great risk for Americans however there are no repercussions taken by government or doctors.With the number of soccer moms, teenagers, and role models (athletes, etc. ) that are getting addicted to these substances, it is abnormal that the federal government hasn’t taken action towards monitoring or screening these substances as they do with marijuana. Marijuana charges for possession and distribution cost tax payers unnecessary dollars to keep law enforcement active, house non criminal inmates, and fund anti-marijuana regulations.In contrast, the percentage of income the government and private corporations receive from alcohol and prescription pills keeps skyrocketing yearly even though the damage done to people and those around them from these substances is rather substantial. The dangers and problems of both alcohol and prescriptions pills in comparison to marijuana have alarming statistics and percentages that make readers astonished as to why marijuana is illegal or why other substances are legal.Alcohol has a long history of being portrayed in medi a as a â€Å"relaxing† elixir after a long day at work or a method of unwinding. The role of alcohol in movies and television are false impressions of what would happen in a social setting if you were to be drinking a certain alcohol or the how much better your time would be spent if you were drinking. Commercials and advertisements use models, cars, celebrities, sports, clubs, and entertainment to promote an image or brand that alcohol brings life, love, and lust to any party however the cold hard truth is that it is far from the perception it sells.This multi-million dollar industry prides itself on a fast growing industry that has the highest percentage of users of a social drug in the United States. â€Å"We do not need the brewers’ reminder that the absolute quantity of alcohol consumed has been steadily increasing at a rate of at least 7% per annum to be aware that it remains far and away the most widely-accepted social drug in this country,† (Aud, 1981, p . 48). Prescription pills have not been much of a harmful substance until this decade.The recent increase in those prescribed with pain and given very high doses of pain medication has been astonishing. Although these substances are intended to target the pain, most pain killers given through a prescription are misused and soon become addictive. A minor toothache or certain back pain that may not require such high doses of medicine are being prescribed by doctors which is leading to numerous amounts of dangers. A local mother who is prescribed pain killers can also be accidentally distributing to her teenagers who may not need the medicine or know how to properly ingest it.The effect of alcohol and prescription pills are a deadly combination but are extremely popular among youth. The combination of both legal substances enhance the altered state of mind one would naturally get from consuming just one substance. Prescription pain killers have been the major focus study among teenager s in the past 5 years due to the availability of them compared to the frequency of its distribution now. The assumptions on health effects caused by marijuana have different results after several tests.Many may presume that marijuana causes an array of mental disorders and lack of control of the mind however, Mitch Earleywine’s research proves no such case. â€Å"In general, the drug is incapable of creating an overdose. It can exacerbate the symptoms of some mental disorders but does not appear to cause them. Data fail to show any marijuana-induced changes in brain structure, but long-term exposure to the drug alters the way the brain functions during complex tasks,† (Earleywine, 2002, p. 143).Issues such as mental illness, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, antisocial behavior are linked to the symptoms of marijuana and although it does not cause any exact disorder, it may enhance those symptoms. Marijuana is now medicinally researched to cure disorders such as insomnia, anorexia, and minor pain. Cancer patients also rely on marijuana to increase their appetite, decrease nerve pain, and combat minor pain (Goodwin, 2010). Marijuana is a substance that comes with many pretenses and opinions that may be based on scientific fact or public opinion portrayed through the media.The tests, evaluations, and studies examined in this paper provide adequate information to the reader in establishing a proper factual idea on what marijuana is, the portrayal of the substance in the media, what its effects and dangers are, and its comparison to other legalized substances that are much more harmful. Although the United States has slowly shown progress in decriminalizing marijuana and accepting the medicinal uses for it in states such as California, there is an underlying common misperception that marijuana is a substance of great danger, civil disobedience, and rebellion.References: Aud, J. (1981). Marijuana Use and Social Control. University of Illinois at Chicago. New York: Academic Press Inc. Baggins, David Sadofsky. (1998). Drug Hate and The Corruption of American Justice. University of Illinois at Chicago. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Earleywine, Mitch. (2002). Understanding Marijuana: A new look at the scientific evidence. University of Illinois at Chicago. New York: Oxford University Press. Novak, William. (1980). High Culture: Marijuana in the Lives of Americans. University of Illinois at Chicago.New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Philip Palmgreen,  Lewis Donohew,  Elizabeth Pugzles Lorch,  Rick H Hoyle,  &  Michael T Stephenson. (2001). Television campaigns and adolescent marijuana use: Tests of sensation seeking targeting. American Journal of Public Health,  91(2),  292-6. Retrieved June 12, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:  67849612). Goodwin,  J.. (2010,  August). Smoked Marijuana May Ease Chronic Nerve Pain. U. S. News & World Report,1. Retrieved June 12, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Doc ument ID:  2170726371).

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Tradition Is The New Year - 1062 Words

TRADITION! Every year since I was little, my parents instilled in me the importance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Not only is it the new year, but it is a time to repent for all of our wrongdoings during the year. We are given a chance to start over and to be inscribed into â€Å"the book of life.† My whole family goes to the temple together, eat at my Bubbe and Pop-pops house together and break the fast together. It is TRADITION! No matter where everyone is or what everyone is doing, we all come home and celebrate the holidays as one big family. All 22 of us. It always begins and ends with food. From Matzo ball soup to meatballs to chicken to homemade cole slaw, the flavors and aromas are embedded in my mind and soul. As we gather around†¦show more content†¦During the Aleinu, we would bow to the ark as a sign of respect and it always shows the respect towards the powerful figure. Some holidays are a time of celebration, but Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur in general is very serious. The overall meaning behind the prayers were for forgiveness and repentance. We asked god to forgive us for our sins that we have accumulated during the year. We broke gods covenant with us and once a year we are given a chance to reflect on those mishaps and present the case that we recognize those mistakes and will be better in the upcoming year. Another major theme is the recognition that god is almighty and there is almost a parent to child relationship between the divine ruler and the Jewish people. As we discussed in class, in many of the scriptural readings it is blatant that god is the supreme ruler over the people. That there is only one god and we pray to that god. Throughout the prayers we ask for forgiveness to that one god. We recognize that god is our leader who ultimately created us and that decides whether we are inscribed into â€Å"the book of life.† The torah is the most holy writing that the Jewish people have. It was treated with the respect and care that it deserves. As we talked in class, the torah is stored in an ark. The torah is removed from the ark during the torah service. The torah readers used aShow MoreRelatedCambodian New Year Traditions1172 Words   |  5 PagesCambodian New Year Every country celebrates New Year in its own unique tradition. Khmer, â€Å" Enter the New Year†, is the name of the holiday that Cambodians celebrate their New Year. It is celebrated each April and the dates are determined by the lunar calendar. It is consider as one of the most important holidays of the year in Cambodian culture. Traditionally, the celebration usually lasts three days and each day has its own meaning and tradition. The 2010 Cambodian New Year was celebratedRead MoreVietnamese New Year Traditions1206 Words   |  5 PagesVietnamese New Year Traditions New Year in Vietnam is not only a holiday but also the biggest event of the year. It is tradition of thousand years of history. 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